Season season?


Semper Fidelis
Maybe a little too early for this thread since(at press time) there are THREE of us here, but hey, Im gonna post it anyways!

I got to thinking about it, and I think season 7 was probably the very best of all the seasons for the reasons of:
1. Everything came full circle
2. The characters had all been fully developed therefore making each...interesting ;D
3. This season had, undoubtly, some of the funniest storylines from any season(IMO).
4.(personal one) This season had some of the best Hal plots ;D

Anyways, what do you think?


New member
Well, season 7 did a lot of things, I'll say that - MitM never introduced a lesbian character (Army Buddy) even if it was just a one-time thing - but it would've been nice to see some more characters from the older days. All-in-all, MitM7 was pretty damn good.


New member
I'll stand by what I said on vB - season 6 all the way. However, now that I think about it, 6, 7 and 1 are in a three-way tie.


Semper Fidelis
This is where I personally disagree. I don't know why so many people hold season 1 in such high regard. I mean, it has funny episodes(Cheerleader is a personal favorite of mine) but I just don't think it is up to par with later seasons such as the 7th.


New member
In terms of content? Because, if you want to get to know each character from the source, this is the way to start. But anywayz, yeah, I think that as the years went, they upped the ante.


Semper Fidelis
Exactly. The show got better and better and better each year, and it culminated in season 7, IMO. Season 7 is THE BEST. ;D


Semper Fidelis
Lol, I like the whole season as well, but I have favorites, including:

1. Burning Man
2. Hal's Dentist (some of Bryan Cranston's finest acting) :)
3. Lois Strikes Back (that bond between Reese and Lois was one of the greatest things I ever saw on MITM).


New member
Yeah, everyone in the Malcolm universe is angry that Jane didn't get her Emmy. But as I recall, no one was as angry as you that night. :p


Semper Fidelis
Lol, you still remember that rant I had in the shoutbox? ;D
It's just really ticked me off. You shoulda been in my living room. When they announced that the other woman won it instead of Jane, I almost threw my remote at my tv and I let out a huge "SH*T!"


Semper Fidelis
Yes, that's what I just said a second ago. ;D
I mean, don't get me wrong, Julia is hot( :p) but as far as plain acting is concerned, Jane shoulda won the Emmy.