Season 7 Dossier (Warning This Thread is 100% Spoilers!)


Retired Administrator
Well, I finally read the dossier :) but it really pretty much just goes through Blackout. Is Army Buddy the last new episode till January or February? When do we get more spoilers and ep titles?


Do someone knows when the next episode (7.10) will be aired ? I just know that there will not be an ep of Malcolm the December 23th, but I didn't find other informations... Thanks. :)


Retired Administrator
I'm not sure, but my guess is that we won't see any more new ones until February Sweeps. They've already showed nearly half the season, and since it wasn't pre-empted for baseball this year, they're a good four episodes ahead of their normal schedule. So my guess is we'll have one new one in January, then repeats and movies till February Sweeps.