Is Dewey destined to follow in Malcolm's footsteps?


New member
I'm sorry that I didn't articulate what I meant properly. But if we're talking about how each of them handles themselves during adolescence, then their divergent personalities are worth discussing. While we earlier spoke of Malcolm's lack of success in forming friendships beyond those of Stevie, the Krelboynes and Jessica, at least he was fortunate enough with those long term partnerships. Ironically though, Dewey, despite his seemingly easy-going nature doesn't have anyone that we would recognize as a best friend, or close circle of friends. One could argue that the Buseys fufilled that role, but to me, it only looked like he was just taking care of them as opposed to hanging out with them. And a couple of times in "Buseys Take A Hostage" he seemed to be suggesting that he had grown tired of soughting out their problems for them. We never saw them again after that.


New member
Dude I think you are all being alittle harsh on Malcolm, in the episode in like the first season, the picnic/carnival at his special class he has to do his number trick, and he trys his hardest to get out of doing it. I dont think he is a show off


New member
Dude I think you are all being alittle harsh on Malcolm, in the episode in like the first season, the picnic/carnival at his special class he has to do his number trick, and he trys his hardest to get out of doing it. I dont think he is a show off

First: Eee. Fellow Aussie.

Secondly, Malcolm is depserate for people to both know how smart he is, but to still like him. So it's a catch-22. He was afraid his family would see what a 'freak' he was with numbers, and want nothing to do with him. Especially his idol, Francis.