Your ultimate MITM compilation video


Retired Administrator
If you were given a 3 hour video, for all your favourite episodes of Malcolm in the Middle to be recorded on, which episodes would you make sure were on it? Would you choose specific episodes dotted around seasons, or would you ensure that you get the first few seasons completely onto the tape?

I would personally make sure that I got all of Season 1 onto the tape, and nearly all of Season 2. After then I would be picky and start getting rid of episodes I am not to fond of such as Houseboat and Cynthia's Back - after season 5 I don't think I would be putting much more than 2 or 3 episodes a season on, although I here that some of the latest season 7 episodes have been quite good reading your comments on the mainVC


New member
Okay, Here's what I'd put on an 8 hour DVD-
Pilot (extended version)
Vacation (Water Park, Traffic Jam)
Francis' Emancipation (Houseboat, Emancipation)
Company Picnic
Dewey's Dog
Forwards Backwards
Clip Shows 1 and 2
Baby (p1/2)
Reese and the Army (Reese Joins the Army p1/2, Reese Comes Home)
Motivational Seminar
and a toss up between Bowling and Blackout


New member
Id have most of my episodes from season 4 and 5 and a few scattered from other seasons. My definate ones would be ;
Forwards Backwards
Malcolm films Reese
Reese's apartment
Family Reunion
Boys at ranch
If boys were girls
The bully
Hal sleepwalks

That would probably be under 3 hours but there's my first choice.:D


Retired Moderator
Hmmm...tough decision. My eps would be totally random because I don't really have a favorite season, but a few favorite eps from each season. I think I would include:

Red Dress
The Bully
Malcolm vs Reese
Family Reunion
Forwards Backwards
Malcolm Films Reese
Reese Joins the Army 1 & 2
Reese comes Home
Is it just me, or is there a Reese theme going on here...:D

Ok, so that was four hours, but I just couldn't decide. Too much pressure! :D