The Ultimate MITM Quotes Quiz


Retired Administrator
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

Now, now, we can't just go around guessing random eps with Ida in it. :D Just kidding. Sorry, incorrect.

Is it really that tough?


Retired Mod
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

aawwww! I was just going to sugest that we tie Sam up and beat him with large sticks until he told us the answer...:D :)


Retired Administrator
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

Well, you're a bit slow I guess; I've suggested we do that to you loads of times already. :)


Retired Mod
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

Well you haven't yet, I've got the satelittes on my side... hehe.... hehe...
*runs to band room and hides into the tuba closet whistling the twilight zone music* :)


New member
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

It's neither Bots and the Bees nor Vegas, but the main plot of the episode does have something to do with the Krelboynes.