The Ultimate MITM Quotes Quiz

Squeaky Yugi

New member
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

Garbage Kills Megan, you are correct. It's Hal trying to convince the boys that he's still better a baseball than Lois. It's your turn now.

Garbage Kills Megan

parties with your mom
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

ah, sorry it took me so long to put one up! I think this one will be a little bit of a challenge. I'm never sure though.



New member
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

Ok, try this one (I guess it´s pretty easy):p

"My body is composed entirely of snot."


New member
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

Krelboyne Girl, I think the episode's called, when Cynthia's overtaking Reese on the tables.


New member
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

If it's all right, I'll issue a choice option. First one to answer this...

Spoiler for Quote #1:
Reese, this is helping you become a better person by building your self-esteem... which you are obviously going to need if you are STUPID ENOUGH TO THROW AWAY $1300 THAT THIS FAMILY DESPERATELY NEEDS!


Spoiler for Quote #2:
I'm gonna let nature take its course... AND KILL HIM!!!!!

...or this.

Spoiler for Quote #3:
Entrapment -- it's not just for police anymore.

I'm doing this because there's so many good quotes.


New member
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

The first one is from Garage sale. I have no idea about the others, though.


New member
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

You got it right, allison! When Lois faith in Reese snaps.

Second one -
I'm gonna let nature take its course... AND KILL HIM!!!!!
Convention - when Hal and Jack are restrained by guards.

Third one -
Entrapment - it's not just for police anymore.
Malcolm's Car - when Reese explains his illegal gambling plan.

Your go.


New member
Re: The ultimate MitM-quotes Quiz

Ok, so here´s the next quote:

"I can´t believe how horrible she is. I´m just gonna ignore her."