my space


New member
Who here has my space?? I know Mike does, coz ive added him, but i need some more friends!:D So tell if you do :)
Slightly off point, but still related- blogging- I don't see the point, it seems like a fairly egotistical thing to do, making the assumption that everyone wants to hear you rant on about what happened in your day; then there are always those who demonstrate self-pity. Bit of a rant, but if anyone can present a contrasting argument for blogging, please do tell :d


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My space anoyings me, evrrtyone has it, and when you open profile you get like a millions different song playing and video and your like wher eis this coming from and arhhhhH! and then you cant read anything cuase peopole can design the page at all, and then you get stupid ass commetns, and then navigation around the site is reall stupid, and the whole system loooks ugly, and is a breading ground for unwanted people and is in the news for some sorta pedophilia charge, and all the stupid 'angle pics people take.

The only good thing to come out of my space is this histerical movie about it. space movie


New member
tjpeople said:
My space anoyings me, evrrtyone has it, and when you open profile you get like a millions different song playing and video and your like wher eis this coming from and arhhhhH! and then you cant read anything cuase peopole can design the page at all, and then you get stupid ass commetns, and then navigation around the site is reall stupid, and the whole system loooks ugly, and is a breading ground for unwanted people and is in the news for some sorta pedophilia charge, and all the stupid 'angle pics people take.

The only good thing to come out of my space is this histerical movie about it.
I agree with you on most of your points, which is why my page doesnt have loads of different WMP HTML's everywhere and jsut has one song on, and my layout is fine so you can see everything fine. I think the navigation is fine, i find it easy. And really i prefer to add people i have never met on it, as adding your friends is pretty weird,as theres nothing to say, so i have a load of random people, but thats what i like, meeting new people, not weird people or anything...


Retired Moderator
tjpeople said:
The only good thing to come out of my space is this histerical movie about it.

I don't have myspace cause I'm not into blogging and all that, but I don't have a problem with it either. Actually, I've only been there once just to see what it was all about. But anyway, I just wanted to say that movie was hilarious, TJ--especially the "yeti" segment. I LMAO! Thanks, I needed a good laugh today. :D


Semper Fidelis
I heard in the news that myspace was being investigated by the FBI and they were considering shutting it down since pedophiles were using it to prey upon young people. What happened with that?
And I have a account on myspace. In fact, Justin Berfield has an account on there and I sent a message to him requesting to become a friend. It took two days, but he accepted! Isn't that cool?:)


New member
Wildcat said:
I don't have myspace cause I'm not into blogging and all that, but I don't have a problem with it either. Actually, I've only been there once just to see what it was all about. But anyway, I just wanted to say that movie was hilarious, TJ--especially the "yeti" segment. I LMAO! Thanks, I needed a good laugh today. :D
Yeah i dont use it for blogging really. I just say hi sometimes but otherwise i just like getting friends.


Retired Administrator
I think if you need to resort to finding "friends" online then you need to get a life in real life....but that's just my opinion.


I'd recommend being very careful when adding "celebrities" as your myspace friends as most are simply celebrity posers and not the actual celebrity. They are everywhere on that site. Some can be very convincing but they are almost all posers.


New member
yardgames said:
I think if you need to resort to finding "friends" online then you need to get a life in real life....but that's just my opinion.
I do have friends thank you very much:) I know loads of people (well i do now) from my school how have myspace just for friends. No one i know uses it for blogging...

And Rye, yeah ive seen some of those pages. Most of the time is says in small print somewhere that they are doing role play but sometimes now. you can tell when you see the 'wireimage' logo in their 'home pics' lol.


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My space isnt really about blogging, the 2 are quite different, but my space does happen to have a bloggin feature, which isnt used that much.

People use to to keep in contact with friedns, and to socialise and the fill there ego's. Its a good place to find new bands as well (thats how it all started)

We could allways start a MITM Fans group but but judging from the fact no one here has an account it wouldnt work.


New member
Yeah i know Mike did or does have a MITM and South Park group thing. There were people in it but i didnt see anyone i knew.


New member
Yeah Mike from here, i wouldnt jsut say a random Mike :) I dont have a link b/c 1. You have to be a member to view certain pages and 2. Mike got another page and so i dont even know where the group is...


New member
THIS Mike, from here! ME!

Even though MySpace has been under fire for sexual offenders recently, it's still cool for us young folks. Matter of fact, name one thing MySpace, Fox and Sky One have in common.

Spoiler for If you can't guess, look here.:
They're all owned by News Corp!