More Details Emerge on Frankie's New Film 'Pizza Man'


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Following on from the news yesterday that Frankie Muniz (Malcolm) had apparently landed a role in a new superhero movie Pizza Man, it seems that we now have confirmation that this is indeed the case.

Replying to our very own TJ on Twitter, Frankie's girlfriend Elycia Marie was able to confirm it. It even seems she will have a role in the film!

officially in the film. hellllo SAG card. i hope it's as valuable as my safeway club card. probably not.

@elyciamarie By 'the film' do you mean "Pizza Man"?

@MITM yes... pizza man! :D

We also received a message on our forums here from the owner of KSiteTV, who we cited in our original article.
Craig from KSiteTV here...

I was just on the Pizza Man set; really good crew and I saw Frankie's costume and some scenes from the movie... he's definitely in it.

I should be posting interviews with the writer and director soon; hopefully I can get Frankie if he's willing to do an interview... he wasn't on set today as it was his day off (as you all caught on his Twitter).

Some interesting posts on the Los Angeles Craigslist have also surfaced, one requesting a 'Stand in Actor for Frankie Muniz':
Hello Lovely Actors! Currently casting for Stand-In Actor for Frankie Muniz. Must be around 5'5'', with brown hair similar in appearance to Frankie's. no visible tattoos and/or piercings. Must be available FULLTIME and have an excellent attitude. We start shooting next week and it will go for four weeks. Feature film: Genre: Superhero/Comedy/Action Adventure. Email CURRENT photo and resume etc and we will schedule a time for you to come in and interview.

ps. if you can also toss pizza dough that is a plus but def not a requirement:) But must be SAG

Thank you!

KelliExtras Casting Director
So, it's official! We will hopefully be seeing Frankie back on screen in the not too distant future.

Shooting on Pizza Man is apparently is taking place for the next four weeks in the Los Angeles area. Frankie's band You Hang Up are to take a brief hiatus while Frankie is busy shooting the picture (according to TMZ), but they are planning a small tour soon.

We wish Frankie every success with the new project and of course continued success with You Hang Up when he returns to that in May!

Source: @elyciamarie on Twitter, Craig from KSiteTV, TMZ
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