How did you become hooked on MITM?


Semper Fidelis
If Sam doesn't mind, Im just gonna post the question real quick...
For people who have been fans of MITM since "the beginning", do you feel more lucky(since you got to enjoy the show from beginning to end) or do you feel less lucky(since being a fan for so long made loosing the show even harder to take)? The same goes for people who have only been fans for maybe a month or a little over- do you guys feel more lucky or less lucky you became a fan so late in the show(for instance, becoming a fan at the last episode)?


New member
I feel that since I've been a fan of the show for many years that it's harder for me to take the show ending. I think the longer you become attached to something the harder it is for you to let it go. Is this just me or does anyone else feel this way too?


Retired Moderator
I feel less lucky for becomming a fan so late in the series because I would have liked to watch the show as it progressed, rather than seeing the whole series in a few months. It would have been great to look forward to a new ep every week, then come here and discuss it (since the VC was created in season 4, anyway.) However, it's probably a little easier for me to deal with the show ending since I haven't been watching for so long as opposed to someone who has been watching all 7 years. It's still really depressing though.


Super Moderator
It's not really "over" for me, because there are episodes I am still yet to see. But I went through similar to what you guys are going through, when MITM got cancelled here. Except in my case it was more anger. (Like Tony in the shoutbox last night)
For me, I don't think it really makes much of a difference. The way I see it, I would have seen the same episodes anyway had I been an earlier fan. Then again, it would have been nice to have been a member of the VC when the episodes aired...


New member
During the last years, Malcolm was aired in the evening here, just when I used to get back home.

So I used to see it, but I didn't really like it (I thought it was only a series for kids, I was prejudiced against it), until I watched a complete episode and started to enjoy it.

That was about 15 months ago, during rerun of season 2 or 3.

Now I've seen about every episode, and I recorded most of them.
I've even watched season 7 in english (because it has not yet been aired with french dubbing).

And as most of the members who have known the show for a long time, I was very sad when I heard the series was over.


New member
Well there were hints a year before that 7 could have been the last season, so I had a year to prepare with no longer having new eppisodes to enjoy, and i did miss abot the middle 2 seasons of the series, so i already had a ton of shows that I have not seen, so It was not so bad having it end.

What actually made me sadder is finding out there is probably no chance of having any other season DVDs.


Retired Administrator
I know that we've known season 7 was probably going to be the last season for awhile--if season six didn't end the series. But it was still hard for me to take. I've had a new episode of MITM to look forward to almost every week since sixth grade.


New member
I know what you mean, looking forward to a new episode of Malcolm every Sunday night got me through school.


New member
The first episode I watched was Old Mrs. Old. Mrs. Griffin was cool because she covered for Malcolm, although she made him do disgusting things. "Your hands are small." It was the first time I saw a kid carrying a purse to school and other kids acting out A Streetcar Named Desire. I've watched reruns since then. I feel less lucky for watching the show after it ended because I didn't get to see how the characters grow. For example Flashback would mean more to someone who has watched the whole series. I can see how fans get really attached to MITM-- as my friend says how can you not like them?


New member
I became hooked on MITM, from my friend alison. She was obssesed and for months she talked of nothing else but MITM, she got me watching it. I'd seen it before, but this time was different, i watched more episodes and came to enjoy it so much that i joined these amazing forums.


Retired Moderator
Hi Mini, welcome to the forum! You can pm me or yardgames if you have any questions about anything. I hope you have fun posting! :)

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New member
Time to bring this thread back to life!

Ok so I started watching Malcolm in the Middle in the summer of 2013, after the first episode I became hooked watching 4-5 episodes a day. After 3 months of watching the show I finished and I've been truly addicted ever since, in the past year I even introduced my brother to MITM. To this day I have watched the show in full 3 times and I still watch the show several times monthly! Easily one of the best shows ever made!


New member
I watched the series when Season 2 aired the first time, I was pretty young and my TV schedule was kinda dictated by my parents who didn't care for the show all that much. The first episode I vividly remember was Carnival, and I remember a huge chunk of Season 3 and almost everything from 4-7. But as time wore on, I kinda forgot about the show. I wasn't super big into looking back to shows I use to watch. When I was 18, my family subscribed to the big streaming sites (Netlfix, Hulu, and Amazon) and I browsed through Netflix shows, stopping on Malcolm in the Middle. This was not long after I had finished the entire series of Breaking Bad (which I watched every Sunday for the 4th, 5th, and 6th seasons) and I had totally forgotten that Bryan Cranston had started in Malcolm. From episode 1 on I was addicted. I had a pretty rough senior year and didn't have many friends outside of my girlfriend so the show was a great escape from all of that. I tried soooo hard to get her into it but I doubt she watched it outside of the episodes I forced her to watch like Water Park or Bowling.


New member
I know what you mean, it seems like people today can't watch these "older" shows, I personally think it's a fantastic show and I'm 18, I've tried to show it to friends but they have little interest but my family enjoys watching an episode occasionally. This is one of those shows that after 16 years is still great and feels new. (Even after watching many repeats of episodes!)

Almost forgot welcome to MITM VC and enjoy your stay!
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New member
It's pretty bad when something from the 90s/2000s is considered "old." My sister really liked the show when she would come in and catch an episode. My parents seemed to find it funny even though being really indifferent to it when it first aired. One of my above mentioned girlfriend's friends who was a HUGE Breaking Bad fan and had rewatched it like 3 times in a row (it got to a point where he was missing class to watch the show or watching it in class) and he even saw the 2014 Godzilla for the SOLE reason that it had Bryan Cranston in it. I told her one time "hey it would be really cool if he watched Malcolm in the Middle, it's got Bryan Cranston and it's a great show" and this was by the time she had seen it, and she was just like "Ehh I don't think he would like it."