7x04 Halloween still

7x04 Halloween still

The photo properties reveal that this part of the episode was shot on August 17, 2005, took at least 6 hours to film.
:devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil:


Malcolm: I hereby summon all ghosts and goblins! :angry:

Hal: No, no no! :scared:

Malcolm: Come phantoms and specters from the gates of hell, thou art hereby invited! :alien:

Hal: He's kidding! That's the kind of language they respond to ... :surrender:

Malcolm: I challenge ye to prove me wrong! Go ahead, rip the skin from our bones and feast on out innards! We are lambs for your slaughter. Swallow this house into the bowels of hell! :death:

:devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil: :devil2: :devil:
... while I normally tend to be quite reticent smileywise. But I guess reticence is not one of the main features of Halloween. Just testing my adaptability. Alright. Just one ;).

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