Would Malcolm really be a good friend?


Retired Administrator
As well all know Malcolm and Stevie have been best of friends since the beginning of the series, but we rarely see Macolm do anything for Stevie, infact despite Stevie's disabilities he has done some pretty spectaular things for Malcolm.

Malcolm to me does not seem like the best of friends, he can get arrogant and cocky and times. He can also get quite mean towards Stevie, such as the Malcolm's Car. He also abandoned Stevie in "Sleepover" allowing him to get all the blame for there night out on the town. Also in Kitty's Back we see Malcolm throughing balls at his best friend in a time when he needs his help the most

Saying this we have also had episodes where they are clearly good friends, such as Experiment, and many of the Krelboyne episodes.

Stevie on the other hand, has done alot for Macolm, starting off with saving his life in Malcolm's Car, despite Malcolm being quite mean to him.


New member
Personally i wouldnt like Malcolm as a friend. He thinks about himself and not about others. I dont understand excatly why Stevie stays friends with him.


I don't feel Malcolm would make a good friend. I think because of his IQ and by him being in with the Krelboynes when he was younger, it gave Malcolm the incorrect feeling that he may be superior to everyone else because of his smarts. He became snobbish and selfish when dealing with people his own age and took on the attitude of "I'm better than you" in many episodes, especially dealing with people at school.

And then even when dealing with Stevie, who he has known for years, he is still selfish around him as everything has to be Malcolm, Malcolm, Malcolm. Stevie, on the other hand, is a great friend. He's saved Malcolm's life, as admin said, and been there for Malcolm through thick and thin.

Another example is when Malcolm helps a football student with his college essay, in "Reese's Apartment." Granted, that student wasn't the brightest bulb, it still didn't give Malcolm the right to act superior to him and essentially make fun of him based on his ability to comprehend. No one will want to be friends with a person who puts you down.

I think Malcolm just assumes that people will want to be friends with him based on his IQ level and that he honestly doensn't understand why people won't. It's not totally his fault, I guess is what I'm saying. It was a combination of many factors that led to him not being the ideal friend. I hope once he completes high school and goes to college, he will adapt some better social skills and make some real friends. I do believe, under that selfish exterior, is a kind-hearted, caring person who would make a very good friend. It's just going to take a bit of digging to find him.


Deutscher Moderator
I don't think Malcolm is a good friend either. Of course there's the fact that he had become pretty arrogant. But i think his sarcastic way would annoy me, too (also shown in "The bully".) Another problem is, that he doesn't want other people to discuss their problems with him, he just wants to tell them how he feels and what bothers him. That was also the problem in his relationship with Nikki. I'm not sure, but i think you could get along with malcolm but you couldn't expect mauch of him.


New member
admin said:
... Also in Kitty's Back we see Malcolm throughing balls at his best friend in a time when he needs his help the most....

Isn't that scene from Goodbye Kitty?

Jimmy Junior

New member
I have a few friends like Malcolm - they're a really good laugh to go out with (which is why they're my friends), but when it came to it I don't think I could rely on them for anything; I wouldn't lend them money either.

I think as long as you realise that they're more 'buddies' or 'mates' than 'close friends', you won't be disappointed.


Retired Moderator
I don't think Malcolm would make a very good friend either. He's too moody and self-centered. He also thinks he's above everyone else just because he's smart, as others said. A good example would be from "Hal Coaches" where he's playing the RP computer game and can't understand why everyone in his family is so successful while he end up being a big loser. He thinks just because he has a high IQ, then he's automatically guarenteed success in everything he does. He's also been downright mean to his "friends" sometimes. Like in "Humilithon" where he totally diched the Krelboynes because he wanted to be popular. Reese, on the other hand, would make a great friend IMO. He seems like a really fun guy to be around. He might not be the brightest, but at least he doesn't judge people and act superior to them like Malcolm. I never understood why he doesn't have any friends at all--especially in seasons 5-6 where it doesn't seem like he was as much of a bully as he was in earlier seasons.
Personally i think he'd be a strange friend althought there is a sensitive side to him, he's also very moody and sarcastic. He also is a krelboyne so he'd be hanging with Dabney, lloyd and Stevie too so if you don't mind that, that's fine. The good thing about being Malcolm's friend is his intelligence. He could definately help with your homework. Overall he'd be a cool friend!!


Retired Mod
I might like having Malcolm as a brother. We'd be twins, except he'd be 4/5 years older. :)

We'd both consider each other ignorant, caustic jerks, and we'd out smart each other until we get grounded. But, think of the long run, when he's the Albert Einstien of the new millenium (in case you can't read my sorry attemp to spell: after 2000), And, I, by chance, don't do what I want to in life, can rely on mooching off of the richest guy in the world. :D

yardgames note: this didn't seem to warrant a new post, so I just corrected the spelling of "millenium" for you. :)


New member
I think Malcolm would be an excellent friend. I mean he is quite funny and I reckon if he had a few extra friends he would be extremely popular.:)