Why there won't be anymore cliffhangers

Squeaky Yugi

New member
Please keep an open mind as you scroll down, even if you disagree with the title. I could be wrong about this, it's just a theory. I doubt that there will be anymore two-parters. Here's why: The show is (was) intended to focus around the boys, not the adults. There have been a total of five cliffhangers, one for each of the boys. Allow me to elaborate:

"Baby": Ends with Jamie being born

"Water Park": Ends with Dewey getting lost

"Company Picnic" (My favorite of them all): Ends with Malcolm and Lori getting tied together

"Reese Joins the Army": If the title isn't enough, part 2 ends with Reese being parachuted over Afghanistan

"Houseboat": Ends with Francis saying he's coming home.

What this means is that each of them has had a moment to shine. Not one, but two episodes devoted completely to him. Now that we've finally met the boys in depth, perhaps the writers assume we'll know them better in the future storylines.


New member
Maybe they'll have a two parter about the parents. Although, your theory is a good one I think that as most finales are to great series' that the finale will be a two-parter. Which I guess, since there has been a two parter, (three in Reeses case)for each character, the finale will probably be the two parter where someting happens to all of them at the end.


Site Administrator
Staff member
A 2 part finale would be good, well done for noticing the link before the 2 part, but i think there could easily be others.
I don't particularly like cliffhangers in a way like 'reese comes home' and 'baby'. Of course i like the episodes but you have to admit, when the ends comes it really annoys you when you literally need to know what happens, especially if you go away the week after whichais particularly annoying although you can tape it. There is that risk that it won't tape right (in my own past experiences). I don't mind them but i have to come to a conclusion and just say they annoy me!!

PS: Does anyone else feel the same way about cliffhangers as i do? If you do or have an opinion let me know or answer this thread. I'm interested in other peoples views and i will be back soon!!


New member
Im not too keen on cliffhangers myself,as I don't see it necessary in a comedy/sitcom.In my view, cliffhangers are for soapoperas.